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18 Jul 2016

‘Little Things Matter’ – Braille Name Cards

- Written by Ash Bath

As consumers, we all like nothing better than feeling good about a purchase we have just made. Very often this feeling isn’t just about what we’ve bought, it can equally be about the experience we had whilst buying it. It can also be the small things which can have a big impact in achieving this ‘feel-good’ factor.Braille-front

Here at AKW we want everybody to feel safe, we know that some of our clients may struggle with anything from general movement to poor eyesight. We understand the difficulties that people with limited vision m
ust face, this is exactly why we have put dedication into finding a way that we can make them feel safe letting our surveyors into their own homes. Anybody feels a little bit on edge letting people they do not know into their houses no matter who it is. We wanted to devise something to ensure that people who struggle to see can feel safe when letting AKW surveyors into their homes.

All of our surveyors wear name badges as you would expect, but all of their badges are also complete with braille so that our clients that are sight impaired can have faith in letting AKW employees into their house. This is important for us as we do not want our clients to feel at all uncomfortable in their own homes.
We understand that our clients may face a number of problems ranging from reduced mobility to visual impairment that is why we work closely with occupational therapists to develop a variant of bathroom and kitchen solutions fit for purpose.







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